Energy-Saving Tips For The Summer

by | May 17, 2018 | Energy Savings

With summer right around the corner, there are a few simple and inexpensive actions can help you save energy and money during the months spent outside.

Our team of experienced electricians at All Suburban Electric have put together a list of energy-saving tips for the summer.

Some of the tips are free and can be used on a daily basis in order to increase your energy savings, the others are simple and inexpensive and will help your receive maximum savings.

Use Windows To Your Advantage

Living in a climate where it cools off at night will allow you to turn off your cooling system and open your windows.

To keep the cold in, close the windows and blinds when you wake up the next morning.

Install window coverings will also prevent heat from coming through your windows.

Use Your Thermostat Efficiently

In the summer, you want to set your thermostat as comfortably as possible. The less of a difference between the indoor and outdoor temperature inside your home will lower your energy bill.

When you are away from your home, your house should be warmer. Set your thermostat to 78 degrees when you are home and need cooling.

Installing a programmable thermostat will make it easier for you.

You should also avoid setting your thermostat to a colder temperature than normal when you turn on your air conditioner.

Doing so will not cool your home any faster and will likely increase your energy bill.

Fans Will Cool Down Your Home

If you have an air conditioner inside your home, using a ceiling fan will allow you to raise the thermostat setting about 4 degrees without losing any level of comfort.

But remember: ceiling fans are meant to cool people, not rooms – so turn off any fan when you leave the room.

Using a bathroom fan while you’re in the shower or taking a bath will remove any heat and humidity from your home. Make sure your bathroom fans are vented to the outside.

Make Sure Your Cooling System is Running Efficiently

Don’t wait until the summer before performing regular maintenance on your cooling system.

Since thermostats can sense heat, avoid placing lamps or TV sets near your room air-conditioning thermostat.

Also make sure that registers are regularly cleaned in order to remove any dust buildup that will hinder the amount of cool air flow through your registers.

Avoid Using Appliances and Non-Natural Lighting on Hot Days

On hot days, avoid using the microwave; cook outside on the grill or use a microwave oven if you have to use any household appliances for cooking.

Also minimize activities that generate a lot of heat, such as running a dishwasher or using hot devices such as curling irons or hair dryers. Even televisions will add some heat to your home

Try to take advantage of natural light during the day instead of artificial lighting. You can also install efficient lighting that runs cooler, which only uses about 10% to 15% of electricity.

Consider taking short showers instead of long baths, and only do full loads of dishes and laundry.

Seal Any Cracks to Keep Hot Air From Coming Inside Your Home

In order to seal any cracks around your home that will let hot air leak inside, add caulk or weather-stripping to seal leaks around doors and windows.

Lower The Cost of Your Water Heating Bill

According to, water heating accounts for 18% of the energy inside your home.

If you wish to lower your water heating bill, turn down the temperature of your water heater to warm setting.

Call an Experienced Electric Company

All Suburban Electric is committed to promoting and practicing green and environmental services. Part of our standard of service is to make sure everything is up to code and energy-efficient.

We are open 24 hours, 7 days a week. If you need help with making your home more efficient, call (773) 673-9627.

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